Work at Home/Homework

Students in Elementary grades may be asked to do work at home. A typical Primary classroom (grades k-3) might engage students in a nightly reading program or for a Primary French Immersion student, a French Dictée, while an Intermediate classroom (grades 4-5) may have a greater variety of work assigned.

Homework is typically assigned to allow for:

  • completion of daily class assignments
  • extra practice or review to reinforce learning
  • enrichment or extension of classroom activities

Your Family Role in Work at Home

An excellent goal for any family is one that involves daily home reading- research shows reading is one of the most determining factors related to academic success.  Reading with your child, discussion about reading, and encouraging daily reading all have significant impacts on future achievement and accomplishment.  As students carry on in school, their reading ability affects success in nearly every subject area.  Additionally, you can help support numeracy development by practicing appropriate Math / number facts for your child’s age or by engaging in any games involving numbers, counting and number grouping.

If you have questions about work at home, you should begin by discussing them with your child’s teacher.