Upcoming Important Dates: First day of school for Grade 1-5 Students – September 3, 2024
Future dates can be found on our school calendar.
Dress for the Outdoors
Reminder to send children to school prepared for West Coast weather as we will be outside rain, or shine. Please ensure children have weather appropriate clothing and protection. Examples during warm weather days may include: hat, sunscreen, light weight long sleeve shirt., etc. For cold weather days, raincoats, hats, gloves, rain boots (can be left at school). Aa spill-proof water bottle is always recommended. Leaving a change of clothing in a small labelled bag at school is helpful if one gets too wet, slips in the mud, has an accident/spill/tear and needs/wants to quickly change to be comfortable.
Parking / Turning Left / Making U-Turns on Gordon Head Road
Please respect our parking guidelines – while it may look like there are empty spots in our lot, staff are coming and going at all times including the time when many of you are dropping off in the morning and picking up at the end of the day. About 50 staff work here on different days, sometimes overlapping during the day. Please under no circumstances, unless with prior permission for a specific short term situation, please do not park in our staff parking lot, not even for a few minutes. Children are often walking or riding their bikes on school property and staff are coming and going at all times.
Families that are biking on Gordon Head Road to Campus View from the South must enter through the driveway as there is no other spot to do so. Extra drivers coming and going makes this all the more dangerous. Due to the many concerns and potential hazards entering and leaving the driveway and parking lot, while we ask children and families to walk on sidewalks, use crosswalks and NOT to walk through the lot, there are always many children and families not abiding by these requests.
When you are leaving the driveway, please respect the sign erected on the fence. It tells you not to turn left during pick up and drop off times; it is very specific. Ignoring the sign and turning left, creates extra hazards and congestion. Even if it appears clear to do so, conditions can change quickly causing hazards and congestion for families and students, not to mention frustration for drivers simply trying to commute along Gordon Head road. Please ensure you do not block the entrance while waiting to turn to the right out the parking lot. When waiting to turn right, please stay to the far right so staff vehicles can easily enter the parking lot.
Last, please refrain from making U-turns on Gordon Head road in front of the school – this too creates congestion, frustration and as a result, extra danger. As a parent, if you are aware of drivers who are not following laws or are driving erratically once on Gordon Head Road, please take down the license plate number and call or report online to the Saanich Police directly.